Saginaw Valley State University Women's Lacrosse Recruit Form

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Thank you for your interest in Saginaw Valley State University women's lacrosse. This form is intended for anyone interested in being recruited by the SVSU women's lacrosse coaching staff.

You must complete  ALL  required questions for it to submit successfully. Once the form is completed, you will be directed to a confirmation page. If the page reloads back to the form, there will be a notification that you missed one of the required questions. If you have no answer to a question, just fill in "N/A" to submit the form successfully. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide on the form, provided that it was submitted correctly.

If you have any questions or are having difficulty completing this form, please contact SVSU Women's Lacrosse Head Coach Cait Gaitley at

Position(s) *
Please list all majors you are interested in pursuing. Put "undecided" if you are unsure of major.
Other High School Sports Played
Please provide the URL to any highlight film
* required field